Sunday, April 09, 2006

what a wonderful world

So I don't know if everyone goes to 7-11 more than me and have already seen these amazing drink machines but I was agog. You put the ice in your humongous cup and press a flavor button like cherry or lemon or vanilla and then while the little light is on you press the beverage button and the flavor comes out with your drink! amazing. I truly think there are those people in the world with dreadfully too much time on their hands but amazing, none the less. Next time you want to get you or your family 1900 ounces of beverage for 8 cents, you should try it!
So I taught relief society today and then we actually made it all the way through sacrament meeting through the merits of a ziploc bag of mini marshmallows and a small plastic cup and saucer with three almonds that Dellah would pour from the cup to the saucer and the saucer to the cup and the cup to the....plop, plop, understand...plop plop is so much more desireable that that scream that breaks glass and is accompanied by a stiffening of the legs and a flailing of the arms...
so I am Erin the Conqueror...
We found out that the house we want is a lot more money than we expected or that they told us it would be and, after mourning for a little while, I picked my bottom lip off the floor and we thought, why not just go and see what deal they can give us and just see. Gabriel has done work for the owner of the building company so he will give us a discount, we just don't know how much yet....until then, we put down some money to hold the perfect house in the perfect spot and we'll just send up alms to the gods of finance that we can afford to buy the rest of it.
The nursery people gave Dellah a doll and she wasn't having any of that since the only other little kid in there is a boy and they just assumed he would want a truck and she, a doll...whatever! She made it abundantly clear that they were to put that doll back in the cupboard and get her a! So then they both had two trucks and life was happier. They also stopped giving her goldfish crackers after a while and she said, "pez, galleta, yep, yep"...'pez...pez' (which means fish) and then finally after 5 minutes of the galleta, pez, yep of it all, she said, "CRACKER!"....I suppose she decided they weren't understanding spanish baby talk so she busted out with english....I have no idea where she learned cracker but it was really funny. Ruby ate some banana puffed rice things and then proceeded to put her big opened mouth on my face for an hour or so and give me slobbery kisses...I literally smell like banana and my face is all stiff from that particular beauty masque.
so I should probably make dinner or lunch or whatever but I just want a sandwich. Maybe I can cook an onion or something so it smells good in here and just make Gabriel a sandwich...yeah...I'm sure that'll go over well. 8 hours at church for a sandwich...
I found the body flex videos at DI...I was so excited because I haven't done body flex since my mission and it's so weird but it totally works...for two dollars, maybe I can look better by our trip to Virginia to visit Gabriel's brother in May...I mean, our trip to H&M, I mean, family...
So I want all of the girls to be able to have a weekend that we do every year so we can always get together and see each other. Doesn't that sound fun? We can go to different places and do different stuff every time. Married people, not married people, but just girls and we can eat out and shop and stuff. what do you think?


Cindy Bean said...

You're getting a house? That's amazing. Make sure there's room on the couch for me to stay - speaking of, can I stay on your couch the night of May 8th and maybe the night of April 22nd?

These amazing drink machines... I must investigate.

When you talk about "the girls" getting together, maybe this can occur on the evening of April 22nd, that would be fun.

Did you see that Jen Felt posts stuff on other blog where she's made friends with people who aren't us? - you can see it on the links on my blog on the foreigners section.

erin T to the S said...

mi couch es tu couch...April 22 sounds good to me..and I haven't seen the Jen stuff..I think it would be depressing, wouldn't it?

emily said...

can i come? cindy, you'll be here? that's exciting.

where's the house, ereen?

Cindy Bean said...

Yes, I will be there. I've already got a plane ticket and everything. I'm voyaging off to Italy the next day though. I love Uncle Lloyd!

I think Jen should get a real blog and be real Jen and talk to us more.

erin T to the S said...

HOOOray!! Well, I don't think all these people will fit in my 700 square foot apartment but maybe Andi can be persuaded? Since she is a homeowner? maybe? Andi? Andi? are you there, Andi?
or maybe we should meet at Bombay house or something? discuss..

Cindy Bean said...

That would be fun. I talked to El Stevo today and mentioned something about seeing his new house. Steve is a house owner now.

bug girl said...

Ummm, Erin. I have your pilates videos. You want them? I think I was given them a very long time ago by a certain someone who wanted you to have them back, and they just sort of got sucked into the black hole of my junk and every so often when I am moving my junk from one box into another and enjoying the memories, and such, I find them. I will bring them to your house near the 22nd or so.