Sunday, April 02, 2006


I believe that some day, I will stop having these little red moles appear on my skin. I believe some day I will get to sleep until I feel like waking up and then sleep some more. I believe that eating really yummy food will one day be seen as, not a way to get and stay chubby, but the only way to live. I believe that even when things are hard like the mostly always are, Jesus had it harder and he knows how to help. I like what I heard yesterday; Jesus is the great Creator and he knows how to fix what he has made.
I like when my husband has a fresh haircut and a fresh shaved face and yummy cologne and wears a black button up shirt with a little stretch that makes him look very manly. I like when my baby says, 'Mami' whenever she has a problem because it makes me feel like I can do anything. I like when I wear sparkling accessories and feel sparkling myself. I like cutting hair in high heels like my alter-ego Monique would. I like Ling Ling's pot stickers from Costco because they take 7 minutes to make and they taste like a restaurant. I like thinking about taking naps and exhort all within the sound of my voice who do not have offspring to please, please take a nap on my behalf and drool on your pillow and wallow around in your covers and stick one of your legs out of the blanket and rub it on the top of the covers until you fall ever so softly to sleep and then wake up with squinty eyes and impossible hair to have a yummy treat....think of me....think of me fondly....

1 comment:

Cindy Bean said...

I promise to take a nap like that at least once a week for you, especially on Sunday.