Friday, November 27, 2009

WHERE AM I??????


anyone who knows me knows how happy this makes me after 2 years of trying and those same people also know how being pregnant makes me sick. really, really sick. I'm trying my best to answer the phone and be normal but I just can't all the time. I'm craving really weird things like Jalapeno poppers from Arby's and vegetable coconut kurma where I used to want cinnamon toast and cold cereal with the girls........perhaps this means we get a small mister sanchez....that would be nice if for no other reason than the fact that I have no fewer than 6 giant rubbermaid bins full of boy clothes.....but girls are welcomed too since I have 10 bins of little girl clothes.....also having children is not about clothes by any means but this is how I gage my obsession....apparrelly speaking.
So I'm about 15 1/2 weeks or 16 (I can't keep numbers in my brain) and I'm due middle-ish of May.
It feels so weird that this is actually for real and I look at my giant sweet girls who know how to brush their teeth and pour cereal and tie shoes and I think...."what in the crap have I DONE??" Gabriel says we're too old for infants....
speak for yourself old man....
pregnant in your thirties does feel a little different however than it did in the 20's but I'll live.

so that's that.

hiatus explained.

it's 2am on black friday and I can't sleep so I'm waiting till 3:30 so I can go to Wal Mart and walk around for an hour and a half before I can buy sheets and pajamas and the battleship/connect 4 gift pack at 5am.
I will then be coming back home and sleeping until some as yet undetermined hour of the pm...


Katherine said...

so exciting! please let me know if there's anything you need. i'm just a few houses away you know...!

The Family said...

That is fantastic news. I've been waiting for the announcement. I just knew it would come, I knew it! Yay! I am so happy for you. I will cross all my fingers that it will be a Mr. Sanchez. That would be fabulous. You better post a blog about the sex when you find out. Geez, you could find out any day if you really are 16 weeks along. Wow, I'm grinning from ear to ear I'm just so happy for you and your family. I hope you got what you wanted/needed at Walmart. xoxo

JenW said...

i hope it's a mister and that blake and said mister will be great friends! yay for being "out of the pregnancy water closet" :):)

brooklyn said...

congratulations! so exciting! if your girls are anything like mine, your baby will be SMOOTHERED in bad-breath kisses, rib-crushing squeezes, head-lock hugs, and general noisy insanity in attempts to get a smile from the little one. And he/she will feel like the most important and loved child in the universe.

brooklyn said...

btw--i made my blog private so send your address to brooklyn.cook at-hotmail.

Baker said...

congrats!! so exciting! all my 30 something friends having babies. I feel so left out. ;)


HOORAY!!! Cyd and Vern actually spilled the beans... they are my personal narcs on the Sanchez clan connection... We are thrilled for you!!

Gordita said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful news. Jalapeno poppers sound good right about now...

Kristine said...

Congratulations! You are much more brave then me! Keep us posted!