Saturday, March 07, 2009

mmmm.....the smell of....what IS that smell anyway?

Nothing smells or anything around here, I just thought I'd pique your interest by making you think something did.
This week I only took a couple of showers so it could very well be me that smells but you know you can never smell yourself the way you are smelled by others. I actually tried sprinkling baby powder on my hair to absorb some of the unshowerdness of it all on Wednesday and I was in a hurry so I didn't realize until later that I looked like one of the British Parliament members. powder is white. Your hair is super dark brown. What are you thinking? invest in a portable mirror already so you don't disgrace yourself further.

I wrote last time about how I was going to go to DI and I was going to write after coming home that day before I got sidetracked that I think Satan lives in DI. I love mormons and I AM a mormon and we obviously abhor Satan and his minions but that beneficent place of global welfare service is filled with things that jump into your cart and make you buy them at small invisible gunpoint. I feel so strong when I'm in the parking lot and then the cryptonite-laden doors open and it's all over. Possessed I tell you. Eeeeeeeviiiilllll.

I am on a cash only basis now people. Money is so much harder to spend when it's actually money, you know? I'm like, '5 dollars at Taco Bell! Now i only have a five and a ten left out of that 20 dollar bill!" I have stayed within my budget for two whole months now thanks to my little leather pouch with sections for miscellaneous, food and Costco money.
are you bored yet?
I kind of am.
I'll put you out of your misery now.
there are oreo mcflurries to buy, freeze and then eat while frozen. I'm swamped.


Melody said...

Oh, if only I had your gift of words to be able to express how delightful it has been to sit here and read your recent posts. Yes, I can make cute and cool things, but I can't make anyone laugh. My poor husband, he's in an house full of cool stuff, but you would be a lot more fun to live with. I'm going to try to soak in a bit of your humor and wit and take it with me tomorrow.
after all these years, you still have the bluest most amazing eyes I've ever seen.
Thanks for your sweet comments that made my day.

Cammie said...

Erin, you are one of a kind! I love your blog and your wit is so refreshing and just awesome. I had fun catching up on what you've been up to.