I always do that when they ask me in the store...mostly just because I feel like Me and mine seem to be at Pimary Children's quite a bit. I always put Ruby's name on the little hot air balloon that they have connected and draped all over Ross or Wal Mart or wherever. So today my dollars are paying for Ruby to be here with stuff glued to her head and me sleeping on a vinyl couch with a bag of potato chips and some vitamin water. I stopped on the way here to get a gynormous snoasis. vanilla with extra cream...I think I should work my way up to gynormous in the future. I feel a little sick.
My in laws are still at my house. still.
they'll be there for another week I think...
vinyl bed and potato chips = small price to pay for night away.
I have had company in town for almost 4 weeks in a row...that's a little taxing on the soul. I need one of those nights when I get to go out and do nothing except frivolous things that only I want to do. I wonder when that will happen.
Ruby's watching Enchanted for the 7millionth time since Easter. I gotta go watch so I can somehow stay awake until it's time for bed.
love and kisses and affectionate batting of the eyelashes,
We came to your blog just to see if you are still alive. Glad to see that you are. Hang in there.
Wow, you really do need to get out and have a night on frivolity if a "night away" is coming to sleeping on a vinyl couch, chips, and Enchanted at Primary Children's.
Can I see you someday?? (I mean after you are short a few house guests)
hang in there my sistah. i'd be glad to know how that all went. was she able to stay awake, was she able to stay on the bed for the whole 24 hours? how did it go? was it better or worse than last time? or the same? all these questions and more await your witty response. love you.
Wait, what? You are in my prayers.
Gian and Andrea - yep. still alive. still here. good to see you!
Angela - PLEASE! i would love to see you and my girls are so in love with babies it would be a nice diversion. for all of us!
Flarnk - It was ok. I haven't recovered from vinyl couch broken blinds sun comes up at 5am sleep yet. She did, miraculously stay on that bed for the whole 24 hours. it wasn't pretty but she did it. xoxox
Cindy - just a test to see if the meds she's been taking stopped the epileptic brain waves that she was having while she sleeps. If not, no more meds and if so, though I doubt it, great!
hanging out with you sounds like my eyes are stinging with little tears of anticipation and I wish I were joking even a little bit so I don't sound so lame. but I'm not joking.
It always seems like you have some serious adventures when ever I leave town (Logan). I will never leave again if it means you and yours stay out of the hospital.
Hey, when do you send the in-laws back to whence they came? (Birthday party next week for several Cancers.)
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